import javafx.scene.image.Image; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class serves as a base for all monsters in the game. * * Date Last Modified: 08 / 20 / 2019 * * @author Shirley Krogel */ public class Monster { /** * Instance variables. */ private String name; private double hp; private double chase; private int windUp = 0; private double totalDamage = 0; private String targetPosition; private boolean poisoned = false; private int poisonTick = 0; private boolean stunned = false; private boolean burning = false; private int burnTick = 0; private Image front; private Attack frontAttack; private Image leftSide; private Attack leftAttack; private Image rightSide; private Attack rightAttack; private Image backSide; private Attack backAttack; private int wanderCooldown = (int) (Math.random() * 12 + 9); private int currentLocation; private int destination = 0; private ArrayList currentPath = new ArrayList(); BreadthFirstSearch search = new BreadthFirstSearch(); private int i = 0; public Monster(String name, double hp, double chase, Image front, Attack frontAttack, Image leftSide, Attack leftAttack, Image rightSide, Attack rightAttack, Image backSide, Attack backAttack, int startingLocation) { = name; this.hp = hp; = chase; this.front = front; this.frontAttack = frontAttack; this.leftSide = leftSide; this.leftAttack = leftAttack; this.rightSide = rightSide; this.rightAttack = rightAttack; this.backSide = backSide; this.backAttack = backAttack; this.currentLocation = startingLocation; } /** * Getters and setters. */ public void setPoisoned(boolean poisoned, MonsterHunter mh) { if (poisoned && poisonTick == 0) { this.poisoned = poisoned; mh.updateLog(name + " was poisoned!"); } } public void setStunned(boolean stun) { stunned = stun; } public void setBurning(boolean burn, MonsterHunter mh) { if (burn && burnTick == 0) { burning = burn; mh.updateLog(name + " began to burn!"); } } public String getName() { return name; } public double getTotalDamage() { return totalDamage; } public int getCurrentLocation() { return currentLocation; } public double getHP() { return hp; } public void setHP(double hp) { this.hp = hp; } public Attack getFrontAttack() { return frontAttack; } public Attack getRightAttack() { return rightAttack; } public Attack getBackAttack() { return backAttack; } public Attack getLeftAttack() { return leftAttack; } /** * Difficulty changing methods specific to each monster. */ public void easyMode() { } public void hardMode() { } public void challengeMode() { } /** * Returns the image of the current side based on the position of the monster. * @param hunter * @return */ public Image getCurrentSide(String hunter) { if (hunter.equals("Front")) { return front; } else if (hunter.equals("Left")) { return leftSide; } else if (hunter.equals("Back")) { return backSide; } else { return rightSide; } } /** * Records damage dealt to the monster. * * @param hit */ public void damaged(double hit) { hp = hp - hit; } /** * Allows the monster to be healed. * @param heal */ public void healed(double heal) { hp += heal; } /** * Causes poison damage while the monster is poisoned. */ public void poisonDamage() { if (poisoned && poisonTick <= 15) { hp = hp - 5; poisonTick++; } else { poisoned = false; } if (!poisoned) { poisonTick = 0; } } /** * Causes burn damage while the monster is burning. */ public void burnDamage() { if (burning && burnTick <= 8) { hp = hp - 10; burnTick++; } else { burning = false; } if (!burning) { burnTick = 0; } } /** * Checks if the hunter can escape the monster. * * @return */ public boolean checkEscape() { boolean escaped = true; double chaseChance = Math.random(); if (chaseChance < chase) { escaped = false; } return escaped; } /** * Overall method to react to being stunned, decide direction of attacks, and implement a one turn delay on attacks. * * @param mh * @param h */ public void attack(MonsterHunter mh, Hunter h) { if (stunned) { windUp = 0; mh.updateLog("The " + name + " was stunned and is unable to attack!"); stunned = false; return; } if (currentLocation != h.getCurrentLocation()) { windUp = 0; } if (currentLocation == h.getCurrentLocation()) { if (windUp == 0) { targetPosition = h.getPosition(); if (targetPosition.equals("Front")) { mh.updateLog(name + " prepares to attack the hunter in front of it!"); } else if (targetPosition.equals("Left")) { mh.updateLog(name + " prepares to attack the hunter to its right!"); } else if (targetPosition.equals("Back")) { mh.updateLog(name + " prepares the attack the hunter behind it!"); } else { mh.updateLog(name + " prepares to attack the hunter to its left!"); } windUp++; return; } if (targetPosition.equals("Front")) { totalDamage += frontAttack.processAttack(); windUp = 0; } else if (targetPosition.equals("Right")) { totalDamage += leftAttack.processAttack(); windUp = 0; } else if (targetPosition.equals("Back")) { totalDamage += backAttack.processAttack(); windUp = 0; } else { totalDamage += rightAttack.processAttack(); windUp = 0; } } } /** * Stops the monster from continuing on. Selects a new destination for it to attempt to reach. * @param mh * @param path */ private void halt(MonsterHunter mh, Pathing path) { destination = (int) (Math.random() * 9 + 1); currentPath = search.breadthFirstSearch(path, path.getZone(currentLocation - 1), path.getZone(destination - 1)); i = 0; windUp = 0; currentLocation = currentPath.get(i).getName(); wanderCooldown = (int) (Math.random() * 15 + 12); } /** * Causes the monster to sometimes change their location and causes the monster to roar when it reaches * its destination. Monster will not roar in the hunters ears because earplugs are not implemented. * * @param path */ public boolean move(MonsterHunter mh, Pathing path) { if (wanderCooldown > 0) { wanderCooldown--; } else if (currentLocation == destination || currentPath.size() - 1 == i) { halt(mh, path); return true; } else { if (currentPath.size() > 0 && mh.getAreaMap().getZone(currentPath.get(i + 1).getName() - 1).getMonster() == null) { // Array gets to 2/2 instead of 1/2 currentLocation = currentPath.get(i + 1).getName(); currentPath.get(i + 1).setMonster(this); currentPath.get(i).setMonster(null); mh.getOpenLocations().add(currentPath.get(i).getName()); mh.getOpenLocations().remove(Integer.valueOf(currentPath.get(i + 1).getName())); i++; windUp = 0; } else { halt(mh, path); return true; } } return false; } /** * Uses pre-made directions from the map to determine its relative direction compared to the hunter. * * @param mh * @param direction * @return */ public void roar(MonsterHunter mh, ArrayList direction) { if (currentLocation == mh.getHunter().getCurrentLocation()) { mh.updateLog("The " + name + " growls menacingly."); } else { int j = 0; while (!(direction.get(j).getLocation1() == mh.getHunter().getCurrentLocation() && direction.get(j).getLocation2() == currentLocation)) { j++; } mh.updateLog("A mighty roar sounded to the " + direction.get(j).getDirection() + "."); } } /** * Keeps the general per turn methods in one method. Move is excluded to allow the main program to handle * making only the main monster roar. */ public void monsterStatus() { poisonDamage(); burnDamage(); } }