Schmitz: Paper: Typing in Mixed Reality Does Eye-Tracking Improve Performance

Schmitz: Paper: Typing in Mixed Reality Does Eye-Tracking Improve Performance

Abstract: Accuracy and speed are pivotal when it comes to typing. Mixed reality headsets offer users the groundbreaking ability to project virtual objects into the physical world. However, when typing on a virtual keyboard in mixed reality space, users lose the tactile feedback that comes with a physical keyboard, making typing much more difficult. Our goal was to explore the capability of users to type using all ten fingers on a virtual key in mixed reality. We measured user performance when typing with index fingers versus all ten fingers. We also examined the usage of eye-tracking to disable all keys the user wasn’t looking at, and the effect it had on improving speed and accuracy. Our findings so far indicate that, while eye-tracking seems to help accuracy, it is not enough to bring 10 finger typing up to the same level of performance as index finger typing.

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